This section includes information found on both the preview/preliminary payroll report as well as the closed report.
Payroll reports calculate data from users’ hourly timesheets. The reports can be viewed, emailed, or downloaded from this report.
Please refer to our Closing a Payroll Period article in the Hourly Time Tracking section of the Help Pages for instructions on closing payroll periods.
Payroll Report Summary Information Table

The data in the summary information table summarizes the contents of the payroll report.
- Total Fixed Pay refers to the gross amount calculated using the Hourly Rate for Payroll amount set on the User Details section of the Options tab in employee settings.
- Total Variable Pay refers to the gross amount calculated using the Cost Rate amounts set for each Account Code used by the employee during the payroll period.
- Total Hours Deducted refers to the total of hours deducted from time worked using the unpaid lunch or break time deduction setting on the Overtime Controls section of the Options tab in employee settings.
- If you’re closing a payroll period, you might see values for
- Rounding Interval Applied: This value is set in Company Settings on the Hourly tab and sets the rounded punch time for each timestamp.
- Records Crossing Dateline: This value shows a total number of time records in the report that cross over between work days (usually for over midnight).
- Records Exceeding Hours Threshold: This value shows the total number of records that exceed a certain duration. This can be used to identify possible meal-time violations for companies.
By Hours Worked Calculation Table

By Hours Worked accrual calculations are included in each payroll report for its given period. This ensures the calculations always match what’s found in the payroll report.
- Worked YTD: The by hours worked calculations are based on the year-to-date work performed, excluding time-off and salaried time.
- Worked This Period: The hours worked this period that will be considered in the calculations.
- Worked Next Period: The hours worked that in the subsequent payroll period that will be ignored in the current calculations.
- Hours Per Year: The maximum hours that an employee can accrue per calendar year
- Max Hours: The maximum allowed balance of available time off.
- Accrued This Period: The amount of time off accrued for the current period.
- Accrued Next Period: The amount of time that will be accrued so far in the subsequent period
- Eligible For Credit: The total amount of time-off eligible for credit to the employee’s account. This may be less than that Accrued This Period value if the employee has reached the cap for the year or the overall amount allowed.
- Estimated Current Balance: This is the current balance of time-off the employee has. The balance is only an estimate in case the employee has new time-off requests.
- Estimated Credit: The estimate of the credit the employee will be awarded when the payroll period is closed.
- Estimated Final Balance: The amount of accrued time the employee will have when the payroll period is closed.
Viewing, Exporting, and Emailing Payroll Reports
To access closed payroll reports:
- Click Reports in the left menu.
- Click to Closed Payroll Period Reports.
Closed payroll reports are shown in the table and are listed in reverse chronological order according to the date in the Closed On column (i.e., the most recently closed pay period is in the first row).

- Click the plus sign icon to the left of a report to view a list of included users.
- Click the View
button to view the report on your screen.
- Click the Export button to show the export menu. You may choose your desired format from the drop-down menu and click the Download button to retrieve your file, or click the Email This Report to send the file to your payroll processor. (Payroll processor email addresses can be saved on the Data Export tab of the Company Settings page.)
- Click the Re-open button to delete the report and restore the time records to the users’ timesheets in order to make any necessary corrections. Note that when you reopen a report that contained a deactivated user, that user will be automatically reactivated but with a disabled login status. The user will need to be deactivated again once corrections are made and the pay period is re-closed.
Payroll Reports for A Specific User
To view all payroll reports for a specific user, select their name from the Show Report For drop-down menu at the top of the payroll reports page. The page will reload but display payroll information for only the desired user. This is useful to isolate the user so you can view, export, or re-open their time records individually.