1. Require supervisor authorization for all hourly time entries and edits by Employee?
This setting controls whether hourly time entries (using the manual time entry form) and edits need to be approved by a user’s supervisor before they are paid or archived on the timesheet. (The default setting for new users is determined by setting number 4 on the Hourly tab of the Company Settings page.) If a user requires a setting that differs from the company default, the adjustment can be made here.
2. Require supervisor authorization for all project time entries and edits by Employee?
This setting controls whether project time entries (using the manual time entry or week view forms) and edits need to be approved by a user’s supervisor before they are archived on the timesheet. (The default setting for new users is determined by setting number 4 on the Project tab of the Company Settings page.) If a user requires a setting that differs from the company default, the adjustment can be made here.