1. Regular Start Time and Regular End Time
Enter the employee’s regular or most common work shift here, and it will form the basis for other Timesheets.com calculations and reports, including:
- Settings 2 and 3 below
- Location and Tardy reports
- Certain notifications
Disabling the clock in/out button
Customers who wish to disable the clock in/out button altogether can do so with the following work-around:
- Change setting 1 to a time at which the employee isn’t working, such as “12:00AM.”
- Then set the regular end time to one minute later (“12:01AM”).
- Finally, change setting 2 to “No” to prevent clocking in prior to the shift start.
Together, these changes to settings prevent users from using the clock in/out button.
2. Allow user to clock in before the regular start time?
Setting this option to “no” will prohibit the user from clocking in before the regular start time established in setting 1. It will also prevent clocking in after the regular clock out time.
3. Automatically clock user out at the end of their workday?
This setting will automatically clock the user out at the regular end time established in setting 1.
Note: Setting 2 must be set to “no” for this setting to be available. We recommended using this feature with caution. It’s always better for employees to clock themselves out except under specific circumstances.
4. Should the user have automatic meal or unpaid break time deductions?
This setting controls automatic deductions of unpaid time each day and is typically used to deduct lunch breaks. Lunch deductions are not displayed on the user’s timesheet, but if deductions are owed then they are displayed above the timesheet in the Estimated Totals for Payroll Period table. Lunch deductions are also displayed on all payroll reports.
- Click the bubble next to Deduct… to enable the feature.
- Set the amount of time to deduct for lunch each day in the first drop-down menu.
- Set the interval of running time after which a deduction will be made in the second drop-down menu. (For example, if set to 5 hours, the system will only deduct the lunch break after the user has been clocked in for 5 uninterrupted hours.)
- The third drop-down menu controls whether the deduction is to be limited to only once per day or can be used multiple times in a given day as unpaid break time.
Note: A time record must be continuous for the automatic deduction to apply. For example, if a half-hour lunch deduction is set to trigger after 5 hours, a 2-hour and a subsequent 4-hour time record will not trigger the deduction. Only a single 5 hour (or longer) record will trigger the deduction.