Click on the User Icon in the top right of your screen, then click Display Options to access to the Display Options menu. The menu allows you to make display choices that affect how your data is displayed.
Table Size Setting
The Table Size setting allows you to change the size of certain data tables by adjusting the margins and font size. With the compact setting, you’ll see more data on screen than the larger font and margin settings of the Medium and Regular options. Try various settings to find the one that suits your personal taste.
Table Sorting Setting
Most data tables found in the reports can be sorted by clicking on the row header of the column you wish to sort by. You can tell in advance which tables allow this by looking for the small up/down arrow icons in the header row of any table. In this example image, you can see a small section of header row from a table contained in a Project Report. Clicking on the either column header will re-sort the table alphabetically by within that column.
The Table Sorting setting allows you choose how multiple tables are sorted when contained in one report.
- Individual – Sorts only the table where a header row was clicked.
- Grouped – Sorts all tables any time a header row is clicked.
Side Menu Setting
The Side Menu setting adjusts how the left-hand menu displays. You can chose from the following options.
- Automatic – Use this setting if you want the browser to decide if side menu is hidden or displayed based on screen width.
- Closed – Use this setting if you want to force the side menu to hide. This is useful for when you’re viewing a wide table and want to utilize the entire width of the screen.
- Open – Use this setting if you want to force the side menu to remain visible. This is useful for times when you’re viewing the web site on a smaller-width display where the menu would otherwise be hidden.
Item Selection Setting
When using a form, list items like Users, Customers, and Projects can be displayed in one of two formats:
- Checkboxes – When selected, all list items will be displayed with checkboxes that can be individually selected. This is the default setting and is useful for companies with smaller list sizes due to its flexibility. We recommend trying this setting first if you have less that 100 users and less that 100 items on any list.
- Lists – When selected, all list items are selectable in searchable tables rather than by checkboxes. This setting is useful for companies with large lists. We recommend trying this setting first if you have more than 100-200 items on any list.
More information on specifics of how the list boxes work can be found on this page.
Item Ordering Setting
This option affects how items are sorted in some dropdowns.
- Alphabetical – select this option to see your lists in alphanumeric order when selecting an item.
- Most Recent – select this option to see your lists in order of the most recently added items. The most recent ones will be at the top.
User Selection Setting
When selecting users on a form, you can choose to see your people listed in a single group or grouped by supervisor (as seen on the Dashboard).
- By Supervisor – When selected, users are broken into groups and shown with their supervisor.
- Alphabetical – When selected, all users are displayed in a single large group sorted by last name.
Display Supervisors Setting
When User Selection in the setting above is set to By Supervisor, Supervisor level users can be listed in more than one group when selecting data in a form.
- Supervisors are listed with their peers below a higher level manager.
- Supervisors are listed a second time along with their subordinates.
The Display Supervisor setting allows you to choose where to display the supervisors.
- Once – When selected, supervisor names will display in their own group along with their subordinates.
- All – When selected, supervisor names will display along with their subordinates and under their managers as well.
Note that when All is selected, supervisor level users will display twice. When a supervisor is selected or deselected, they are also automatically updated in the second grouping as well.