Setting Up Customers

When your employees record their time and expenses, those entries can be linked to customers from the Customer List. Access to customers can be limited to reduce data entry errors and protect sensitive data. Accordingly, customers can be associated with specific projects and limited for use by specific employees.

The Customer List can be enabled/disabled in the company settings. To toggle access to the Customer List:

  1. Click the gear wheel icon in the upper right to view Company Settings.
  2. Navigate to the Features tab.
  3. Check the box next to Customers List (for user with Project and/or Expense to enable the Customer List.
  4. Click the Save button.

There are two ways to add new customers:

Add a Single Customer 

  1. Click Customers in the left menu under Lists.
  2. Enter the customer name in the New Customer field. (You may wish to click the Show/Hide Optional Fields link to enter additional customer details.)
  3. If you wish to restrict the use of the customer to specific projects, uncheck the box next to Allow this customer to be used with any Project and make specific selections.
  4. If you wish to restrict the use of the customer to specific users, uncheck the box next to Allow this customer to be used by any user and make specific selections. Note: This can also be accomplished on a per user basis in employee settings.
  5. Click the Add Customer button to save the new customer.

Note: The default customer (Unassigned) cannot be deleted, but its name can be changed by editing it. 

Import a Customer List

  1. Click Customers in the left menu under Lists.
  2. Locate and click the blue add many… link.
  3. On the following page download and open the import file.
  4. Add each client’s name to column A, one per row..
  5. Add a Yes or No in column B representing whether or not this new customer should be initially assigned to all users or none. You can change these assignments later.
  6. Add a Yes or No in column C representing whether or not this new customer should be initially assigned to all projects or none. You can change these assignments later.
  7. Save the file to an easily accessible location on your computer. 
  8. Check the box next to Check for duplicate customers before adding if you already have customers in your list in order to avoid creating duplicate entries.
  9. Check the box for the header row if you are using the template file and did not delete the first row with table header information.
  10. Click Browse, navigate to your saved file, and click Open.
  11. Click the Import button. 

Note: The system may reject your import due to errors in the formatting and/or data of the spreadsheet, or if duplicates exist. Please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with this process.

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