HR Notes

The Notes tab of the HR Docs page provides administrators and select supervisors with a place where notes can be made and stored for each employee. This section is not visible to the employee and might be used for occasional performance-related notes or to record when a piece of equipment was issued to the employee, for example. To use this feature:

  1. From the Dashboard, click the gear wheel icon to the left of an employee’s name.
  2. Click the HR Docs button at the top of the page.
  3. Navigate to the Notes tab.
  4. Select the Note Type from the drop-down menu (General, Incident Report, or README).
  5. Select the Note Status. (Open notes will be marked red.)
  6. Type the note into the text field, and click the Save button.


  1. On the dashboard, navigate to the Human Resources tab.
  2. To the right of the employee’s name, click the blue number to the right of Notes in Employee Profile.
  3. Select the Note Type from the drop-down menu (General, Incident Report, or README).
  4. Select the Note Status. (Open notes will be marked red.)
  5. Type the note into the text field, and click the Add Note button.

The notes will appear in a table below the form. The date and time, creator, type, status, and note text appear in separate columns. The type and status can be changed using the drop-down menus in their respective columns, if necessary. Notes can be deleted using the delete icon in the far-right column.

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